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First post

2024-09-27 in Posts

Gotta have a First Post to get things rolling.

A fresh website is like a crisp, empty notebook. Who doesn’t love crisp, empty notebooks? Not not me, that’s for sure. This website is an Elixir/Phoenix app that uses Nimble Publisher—which in turn uses Earmark—to process posts authored in Markdown with YAML front matter into HTML and metadata. I stuff the processed posts into a SQLite3 database so that they’re easy to work with. The rest of the app gets and renders entries in textbook ways.

There’s a good chance that if I’m blogging, I’m blogging to myself; that’s OK. It’s also happened before that I’ve helped someone figure out how to do something. That’s cool too. :)

My previous public site, generated with Hugo and written by a long-ago version of me, is at

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